I have had an amazing winter this year! It all started when my parents decided to take us to DISNEYLAND for Christmas! Unfortunately Mike and Todd were unable to get work off so were unable to come so it was my dad mom, and us three girls! We had so so so much fun! I always have a fun time when I get with my sisters, my inner child comes out and we just goof of and have so much fun together! We got 2 day park hopper tickets so we got to go on all the rides and went on are favorite ones multiple times! I would have to say the funniest experience would probably have to be tower of terror at California Adventure, Brittney had already been on it and convinced me and my youngest sister Brianna to go on it, this is the ride where they bring you up 12 stories and then drop you multiple times, me and Brianna had no idea what to expect so the whole ride we were screaming our lungs out, the best is when we were done we looked at the picture they take while its dropping, and Brianna and I look like we are crying and scared out of our minds, while Brittney is laughing in it. We had never been to Disneyland over Christmas so it was such a fun experience! Then The Day after Christmas was Brittney's 18Th Birthday so we took a girls trip up to my uncle's cabin and went sledding and played games and had so much fun together! See told ya I had a fun winter!
Brianna Kept saying how funny all our butts looked
in snow clothes so this is what we did